Dear Parents and Carers,
This term has gone by so fast and I can't beleive we only have a few more days until half term.
A reminder that we will be breaking up for half-term on Thursday, 24th October (normal finish time of 3.15pm). There will be no school on Friday, 25th October, and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday, 5th November. I hope everyone enjoys a restful and refreshing break.
To those celebrating Diwali over the half-term, we wish you a very happy and joyous occasion filled with light, love, and happiness. Enjoy the festivities with your families.
I would like to remind everyone to be mindful of our neighbours when parking near the school. Considerate parking not only helps maintain good relationships with those living around us, but it also ensures a safer environment for our children during drop-off and pick-up times. We do expect all members of our community to follow our school rules of being respectful and this includes to our neighbours. Please do not park your car on someone's driveway or blocking their driveway. We advise our neighbours to contact the police and report anyone parking incorrectly. We support our neighbours in this and would recommend you do not park on Devon Avenue or Warrington Avenue, but park further away and walk as this is a healthier start to the school day for your children.
To finish on a positive note, it was wonderful to see so many Year 1 and Year 2 parents joining us for the curriculum celebrations this week. The children's hard work and your enthusiastic support make these events truly special. We are looking forward to our first class assembly of the year on Monday and I hope that as many Buzzard parents are able to join us for this.
Wishing you all a happy and restful weekend and half-term break (when we get there on Thursday)!