Through our teaching and curriculum we want our children to understand and remember the mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriate for their starting points, including knowledge of efficient algorithms. We want to ensure that our children are ready for the next stage, whether that is the next lesson, unit of work, year or key stage.
To deliver Maths learning to our children, we use Maths Mastery and Mastering Number as the foundations for our curriculum. We take small steps so that the children can develop “depth” with manipulation of number and decomposition.
Our school’s curriculum planning carefully sequences knowledge, concepts and procedures to build mathematical knowledge and skills systematically and, over time, the curriculum draws connections across different ways of looking at mathematical ideas. Our curriculum divides new material into manageable steps, lesson by lesson, to support building children’s knowledge and fluency.
The curriculum identifies opportunities when mathematical reasoning and solving problems will allow children to make useful connections between identified mathematical ideas or to anticipate practical problems they are likely to encounter.
Within the curriculum, there are sufficient opportunities planned to revisit previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures; this is to ensure that, once learned, mathematical knowledge becomes deeply embedded in children’s memories. This then allows rapid and accurate recall and frees children’s attention so they can work with increasing independence, apply their mathematical knowledge to more complex concepts, procedures and opportunities for problem-solving, and gain enjoyment through a growing self-confidence in their ability. Teaching models new procedures and uses resources and approaches that enable pupils to understand the mathematics they are learning
We timetable a daily Mastering Number sessions that focusses on developing our children’s Maths fluency.
All teachers of mathematics have sufficient mathematical and teaching content knowledge to deliver topics effectively. CPD opportunities for staff, through the support of BBO MathsHubs, are delivered to ensure this is the reality in our school.
Children’s mathematical knowledge is developed and used, where appropriate, across the curriculum.
Implementing our curriculum in this way creates learners that have a positive relationship with number; are able to subitise fluently; can use decomposition to support additive and multiplicative reasoning and are willing to question “why?”.
There are objective assessments that can identify when all pupils have gained the intended understanding and unconscious competence in knowledge, concepts and procedures necessary before they move on to new or more complex content.
We have flexibility in our curriculum planning so that we can address identified gaps in children’s’ mathematical knowledge that hinder their capacity to learn and apply new content. Those children behind age-related expectations are provided with the opportunities to learn the mathematical knowledge and skills necessary to catch up with their peers through targeted support or re-cap sessions.
Our curriculum documents can be viewed below.
For further information, please contact Mathematics Lead, Mr Bowskill, on 01753 521888 or