YEar 1 Home Learning
Each week, children who are self isolating will be sent work on ClassDojo to complete. This will be sent each Monday, unless the child is required to self isolate midweek in which case they will be sent the information for that week the next working day. Please then complete the set activities, and keep in contact with your child's class teacher through ClassDojo.
Please also access the wide range of activities to be completed on the subject specific pages, and remember to check Maths with Parents for activities set by the class teacher.
Oak National academy
Click here for Year 1's online lessons! All you need is an electronic device - PC, laptop, tablet or phone - and a pencil/paper. It's as simple as that! Choose your preferred lesson and get started! May we suggest starting with your child's favourite lesson. Let us know how it goes!
Below, please find the home learning grids from Spring and Summer 2020.
Click the linked PDF below to download the Hide-a-Saurus eBook